Tips for Proper Yoga Poses Performance

A yoga pose is called asana in Sanskrit, and according to Yoga Sutras of sage Patanjali, it is a static pose of physical body. We often perceive asanas to be…

How to Do Ujjayi Pranayama

The Meaning of Ujjayi There is no exact definition, but we can get it from a Sanskrit dictionary by dividing the word into parts: ujjayi = uj + jayi =…

Uddiyana Bandha Technique and Benefits

Uddiyana bandha is the third of the famous bandha trinity, which also includes mula bandha and jalandhara bandha. These bandhas are often used in ashtanga-vinyasa yoga of Pattabhi Jois. I…

Jalandhara Bandha – The Chin Lock

Jalandhara bandha is a simple technique, but it is nonetheless very important part of many yoga practices. In Sanskrit jalandhara bandha means “the net of nadis” or ” the net…