Uddiyana Bandha Technique and Benefits

Uddiyana bandha is the third of the famous bandha trinity, which also includes mula bandha and jalandhara bandha. These bandhas are often used in ashtanga-vinyasa yoga of Pattabhi Jois. I…

Jalandhara Bandha – The Chin Lock

Jalandhara bandha is a simple technique, but it is nonetheless very important part of many yoga practices. In Sanskrit jalandhara bandha means “the net of nadis” or ” the net…

Vajrasana Yoga Pose

The Meaning of Vajrasana All yoga poses are named in Sanskrit, so is vajrasana; it can be translated into English as a “thunder pose” or “lightning bolt pose”, which comes…

Ashwini Mudra: Practice and Benefits

There are various spellings for this mudra: asvini, ashvini, ashwini… It seems that the most common is the latter one. The meaning of ashwini mudra is a horse gesture or…