Will Yoga Make A Childbirth Easier?

Yoga for pregnant women has recently become increasingly popular. Many future mothers prefer going to a yoga class rather than to a pregnancy course. Such choice is pretty rational and…

The Lotus Pose Benefits

Padmasana Meaning Padmasana (from Sanskrit: “padma” – Lotus, and “asana” – posture, pose, seat) – the well-known lotus position, the classics of the genre, so to speak. That’s how most…

Ayurvedic Nutrition According To Body Type

In Sanskrit term “Ayurveda” means “the science of life.” This is an ancient system of knowledge about preserving and maintaining human health. Besides medical knowledge Ayurveda contains knowledge of psychology,…

Foods That Cause Flatulence

Firstly, what is flatulence? Flatulence or meteorism is a condition, when the flatulent distension of the bowel occurs, often accompanied by unpleasant sounds and even smell. It is common in…